Molesey Boat Club is one of the most diverse and influential rowing clubs in the UK. It delivers exceptional senior and junior athletes to national and international competition; a robust and competitive masters division, as well as recreational options.
We accommodate a broad range of ages and abilities:
Senior Squad – For High Performance athletes with stamina, determination, and ambition to take your sport to the next level. Full time athletes training 6 days per week. £660
Senior Squad Students – This is for young women and men who are still keen and able to train hard, rowing and sculling competitively whilst in full-time higher education. £490
Adult Masters – Welcoming experienced men and women rowers and scullers. You don’t need to be the best of the best but do need enthusiasm and a love for getting out on the water and entering heads and regattas. £570
Adult Explorers – Explorers have often come through our adult Learn to Row course and use our slightly wider, more stable, boats to develop their technique and ability further. A great social group with the occasional competition. £570
Super Vets – Rowing camaraderie and fun for the over 70's. Our Super Vets usually train twice a week and enjoy the occasional ramble too. £470
Juniors – Our Juniors start from third year at secondary school (year 9) and need to have completed a Learn to Row course.
J13-15’s develop their boat moving skills and fitness and compete in local events. The top crews in J16 -18’s compete nationally at the top level and aim to represent GB.
Juniors aged 13yrs £320
Juniors aged 14 - 15yrs £590
Juniors aged 16 - 18yrs £620
Student Holiday – For students who are in full-time higher education with studying commitments that prevent rowing and sculling during term time. Please contact our membership secretary if you are interested.
Coxswain – The Cox is a vital member of a crew, steering the boat and getting the best from the crew. £110
Social – Many people want to be engaged with MBC and for non-rowers the best way to do this while at the same time supporting the Club is with a Social Membership. Social members will receive email updates, can join our WhatsApp groups and attend club suppers and other events. £110
Country – For members living more than 50 miles from the club who may want to visit the club occasionally. £110
Overseas – For overseas residents, some of whom, with permission from our Captain, may row at the club occasionally. £110
Senior Squad Alumni – We invite our retiring Senior Squad members to maintain membership at reduced rates for two years. £240
Further details can be found under individual headings under the 'ROWING' menu or click on the button below to register your interest.

The Club wishes to ensure that costs are not a significant barrier to membership. If your membership rate exceeds £520 per year and you are able to satisfactorily demonstrate that the full cost would not be affordable, please apply to the Secretary of the Club for a reduced payment of £520.